Mojacar Info - The Mojacar Directory for you..!
Mojacar Info brings you a directory for businesses and services that are serving the Mojacar area. Currently it's FREE to add a listing. So don't delay, if you have a business, service or community group that is directly serving the Mojacar area add yourself to the directory now..!
The Mojacar directory has 391 listings for you to view
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- Use a trailing * (asterisk) as a wildcard
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- A leading - (minus sign) means that word must be absent
- An exact phrase search can be made by surrounding the phrase in double quotes
- Example: "Almeria property"
- Words with no modifiers are treated as optional
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Building & Maintenance
- Construction Services & Supplies
- Electrical Services & Supplies
- Garden Services & Supplies
- Hardware Stores
- Heating
- Home Security
- House Maintenance Services
- Kitchen Construction & Supplies
- Metal Workshops
- Painting Services & Supplies
- Plumbing Services & Supplies
- Pool Construction
- Pool Maintenance & Supplies
- Shades & Awnings
- Solar Energy
- Spas & Accessories
- Windows and Glazing
One person dies in a collision between a scooter and car in Mojacar, Almeria.
According to sources at the emergency services, at 11:15 yesterday an accident on the AL-5150, the road from Mojacar to Carbonera, claimed the life of a scooter rider.
Read more → Collision between scooter and car claims a life
Eight beautiful gardens are open to the public for an afternoon.
Set in the Sierra Cabrera mountains, the lovely village of Cabrera with its Moorish styled houses with spectacular views of the coast and the surrounding area. Come
along and spend the afternoon wandering through eight beautiful gardens.
Read more → Cabrera Annual Open Gardens 2011
A long time favourite with British holiday makers, the Mojacar of today still exudes that special Spanish charm of yesteryear. Today's Mojacar is also full of interesting shops, restaurants and bars and with many ex-pats calling Mojacar home, a number of community groups have also sprung up too. Here on Mojacar Info you now have an easy way to promote your business, service or community group (remember, it's currently FREE to add a listing to the directory).
With our on-site search engine you can easily search the directory too. Also, on our site you can find interesting information about Mojacar, a 7 day weather forecast for Mojacar and latest the on fiestas in and around Mojacar.
Our aim is to bring you the best and most up to date information about Mojacar and it's community. If you have noticed any incorrect information please contact the team at Mojacar Info and let us know. Do you have new information about upcoming events in Mojacar or just news in general? Then please contact us, we'd love to hear from you.